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Are you trying to lose weight? Avoid these 10 mistakes

If you are trying to lose weight, this article is for you. Avoid these 10 mistakes and you will be successful in losing weight.
10 Mistakes to avoid when losing weight

It is common for many people to make the decision to lose weight and jump headlong into an effort to lose weight. But after a lot of initial effort, many people gradually lose motivation when reality doesn't meet their expectations.

Not having a solid, realistic weight loss plan and being impatient are two very common problems that discourage people.

Having realistic goals can help you stay on track and motivated to achieve your goal. Don't expect to lose several pounds in a few days. Gradual, slow weight loss is not only healthy, but also more sustainable.

A weight loss program is not a straitjacket. You can be successful if you follow the rules 90% of the time and avoid some of the common mistakes.

Here are the 10 biggest weight loss mistakes you should avoid:

Avoid these 10 mistakes to lose weight

1 - Skip Meals

Many people think that reducing their calorie intake by skipping meals will help speed up weight loss. But in reality, skipping a meal can often lead to overeating at the next meal because you're even hungrier. Additionally, skipping meals can negatively affect your blood sugar level, metabolism, and energy level.

Eating patterns, such as frequency and distribution of food throughout the day, can have a big impact on weight loss progress.

2 – Sleep deprivation

women yawn

If you're not losing weight despite exercising a lot and following a strict diet, the reason could be sleep deprivation.
Not paying enough attention to sleep is one of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to lose weight.
Sleep levels are linked to our hormone levels. Sleep deprivation leads to an increase in the secretion of the hormone cortisol, which triggers fat storage.
It can also cause fluctuations in the key hunger hormones leptin and ghrelin.

Find out more about effect of sleep on weight loss

3 - Being under stress

Stress is something that is present in our lives, but unfortunately, excess stress can prevent you from losing weight. Worse still, you can add a few extra pounds, despite eating healthy and exercising frequently. During stress, the brain instructs cells to release cortisol, a hormone that makes you crave sugary, high-fat foods. Increased adrenaline levels during stress ultimately lead to adrenal fatigue, which causes your body to store more fat. This ends up resulting in weight gain. Getting rid of all anxiety and stress is not possible. However, you can manage stress to keep your cortisol levels and weight under control. Try relaxation techniques like meditation and deep breathing to help reduce stress. Find out more about effect of emotions on weight loss

4 – Go on liquid diets

Liquid Diet

Replacing healthy meals with green juices, fruit juices and smoothies will not provide your body with all the essential nutrients. Juices lack fiber and protein, which are essential nutrients to keep you satisfied.

Additionally, fast-food smoothies and prepackaged juices are often loaded with artificial sugar, preservatives, and harmful chemicals.

Drinking pre-packaged juice will increase your blood sugar level, leading to hunger and overeating.

5 – Exaggerate on weekends

Exaggerate on the weekends

After following a diet and exercise routine throughout the week, most people become lazy during the weekend and tend to eat outside of the meal plan. This can significantly hamper weight loss efforts.

Weekend routines differ considerably from weekdays, often offering more opportunities to eat and drink in addition to less exercise.

Social events, dinners with friends, and weekend outings often include eating and drinking. In fact, during the weekends, people consume more alcohol and higher-calorie foods, which is a recipe for easy weight gain.

Additionally, people tend to spend less time exercising during the weekends.

6 - Eliminate Carbohydrates

Most people who try to lose weight on their own or through very restrictive diets tend to abandon carbohydrates because they think it will make them gain weight. More to the point, it depends on the type of carbohydrates you consume – simple or complex.

It is advisable to leave out simple carbohydrates, which are an unhealthy ingredient present in foods such as white bread and some processed foods.

However, complex carbohydrates such as potatoes, rice and some pasta should not be eliminated from the diet, as they are rich in fiber and provide energy for the body's functions.

7 - Have a healthy diet while ignoring the calorie deficit

The 10 Commandments of the Mediterranean Diet

When trying to get rid of excess fat, people naturally switch to a healthier, more nutritious diet. But, in the long term, and without professional guidance, consuming too much healthy food can hinder weight loss. Foods like almonds and cashews are healthy because they are rich in nutrients, but they also contain a lot of calories. 

The key to losing weight is controlling the calories you consume, because even healthy, high-calorie foods can increase weight gain.
It is important to realize that Having a healthy diet is different from having a diet aimed at losing weight. It is possible to have a healthy diet with a low content of saturated fats and still maintain weight or gain weight.

It is crucial to balance the number of calories you ingest with those you spend daily in your daily activities. The best way to do this is through a food plan prepared by a nutritionist, in a nutrition consultation.

8 - Consume so-called “healthy foods”

Many companies falsely advertise their products as healthy when in fact they may not be as healthy as you think. Products like protein bars, fruit juices, smoothies, are often advertised as healthy products, but they are packed with unhealthy ingredients like saturated fats and added sugar, which will only hinder your fat loss journey.

9 - Exercise and not diet/diet and not exercise

Binge eating tip - Do physical exercise

Exercise and diet go hand in hand. It is advisable that, on your weight loss journey, you dedicate yourself to both physical exercise and nutrition.

Diet is necessary to balance calories and nourish yourself properly, while exercise is necessary to effectively utilize those calories to fuel your body.

Neglecting any of them will lead to an imbalance in metabolism and lifestyle.

10 - Letting yourself be carried away by impulses

Eating disorders Binge eating

It's not easy to say goodbye to your favorite foods in the quest to lose weight. However, it is important to discipline yourself when it comes to control.

Most people find it difficult to overcome their temptation and simply give in. But the weight loss process has a lot to do with discipline, commitment and behavioral change. It is important to train the body and its nutrition, but often the key is to train the mind.

Reduce junk food to around 10 to 20% of your diet for best results.

How to lose weight with professional help?

In fact, we can find different theories on how to lose weight, from fad diets, restrictive diets, crazy fasts, focused on supplements and shakes, etc. 

I am opposed to these types of diets. I promote a diet that is more focused on the user and on working on their diet, eating behavior and nutritional knowledge. With me it goes:

  • Improve nutrition;
  • Work on eating behavior;
  • Improve nutritional knowledge;
  • Build a food base that you like;
  • Ensure the calorie deficit;
  • Make the best shopping choices;
  • Eliminate the feeling of hunger in the diet.

To put this into practice, weight loss programs are available:

Attention! If you are looking to lose weight in a healthy and lasting way, this is for you


Weight loss programs are prepared to help you lose weight with joy, motivation and support. Tell me about your goal and your current state and I can build your weight loss program.


My name is Ana Sousa, I am a nutritionist and I believe that healthy eating translates into a lifestyle that promotes our physical and psychological well-being and that the best way to guarantee health and well-being is not through diets. , but by adopting good habits based on nutritional re-education.

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